Female Hair Loss

female hair loss


Female hair loss and hair thinning

Hair loss and hair thinning in women can be caused by a wide variety of health and genetic factors.

These typically include, stress, nutritional deficiencies, poor health, hormonal imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, pregnancy, menopause and genes.

It is the job of a certified trichologist to get the ‘root of the problem’ using scientific analysis.


Female hair loss and hair thinning: What is different

There can be many reasons for hair loss and hair thinning as hair cells are very sensitive to any change within the body.

‘Hair thinning’ is generally a temporary effect of hair shedding and/or hair shafts changing diameter.

‘Hair loss’ is a genetic condition that decreases the diameter of the hair shaft. The predisposition to the gene blocks blood capillaries because of excessive male hormones. The effect of which is that the scalp appears to be losing hair. However, it is very unusual for women’s follicles to disappear in the same way that men’s do.

It can be quite difficult to tell if you are shedding excessive hair or if the actual hair shafts are getting thinner. While both problems give volume reduction, hair diameter changes can occur over a long period of time, while excessive hair shedding can result in quicker reduction of volume.


Female hair loss and hair thinning: Telogen Effluvium

Diffuse thinning of hair from all over the scalp is called ‘Telogen Effluvium’ and can be the result of stress, nutritional deficiencies, poor health, hormonal imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, and pregnancy.


Female hair loss and hair thinning: Female pattern hair loss

Changes in the size of diameter located to the top of the head is described as ‘Female pattern hair loss’ and, is usually due to genetic sensitivity to the male hormone dihydrotestosterone.

While many people associate finer hair with ageing and the menopause, young women can also experience genetic thinning, triggered by conditions such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.